This blogger chronicles the building of a Cessna 172 simulator panel using MS Flight Simulator 2004, joystick peripherals, and actual Cessna parts. The aim is to construct a simulator close enough in dimensions to the real airplane to serve as a humble beginning to eventual real pilot training.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

This is a father and son project inspired by my fascination with flight since my childhood.
I took my first flight with my pilot uncle in a twin engine plane at about age 5. I remember sitting in the right front seat along side my uncle and although I couldn’t see anything out of the front windshield, I clearly saw a long love affair with flight as my heart pounded with excitement and my mom’s heart pounded with anxiety down on the ground. I think her anxiety was not necessarily her imagining something going terribly wrong in that flight but more precisely the thought of me getting hooked on flying and eventually pursuing a PPL (Private Pilot License) making her feel anxiety of that intensity for much longer than just that 30 minute ride. 

I took about 8-10 hours of flight instruction while in the Army in a Cessna 150 and although I loved it I ran out of money, nonetheless the exposure to the panel layout will surely come in handy with this project.
In retrospect I now realize I fell victim to one of those transient instructors trying to pad his logbook for a commercial license under student’s expense. I understand this is a huge problem and am determined to beat it by searching for CFI’s with years of CFI experience once I take up lessons again.

In an effort to put together a worthwhile Blog, I decided to wait to start it until I felt sure that some money and effort had been put into the actual project compelling me to continue with the panel construction vs. starting an idea blog without much substance.  
As you may gather, this isn't a cheap project and little by little I have gathered some of the most important parts that make up the panel up to this point.
Because of this, I will narrate the project’s early progress up till now in several entries soon to follow which will catch us up to the current progress.


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