Cessna 172 Simulator Panel
Well, the flaps lever has been a lot of fun to get going.
At first I though about buying an actual Flaps Lever from a Cessna 172 off of e-bay, but after seeing the high auction price on them I figured it was cheaper to get the ol’ noodle thinking.
I found a lawn mower throttle that seem would do the job.

I took it apart and “Viola”: Instant Cessna Flaps Lever for under $8.

I kept some of the alumminum material left over from the panel. Dad and I put some nuts and bolts together for a mechanism that I think will work well and for a long time.

FRONT of panel
Decided to use the same button from the CH YOKE for the flaps by leaving the buttons out of the CH Yoke housing and extending the wires to reach the flaps mechanism. I felt it would be the quickest and easiest way to get the FLAPS LEVER mechanism operational.

BACK of panel
Using the same button from the CH Yoke is the plan for the TRIM WHEEL mechanism which is currently in the works (will post pics soon).
Oh yea, .... I debated over added realism vs. price for a while. I finally decided to purchase the CESSNA AVIONICS PANEL #1010 from DesktopAviator. I think it looks really good and the added realism should be fun and well worth the price.

Dad & I decide to take a quick pic of how the panel is shaping up. See what you think.

Labels: 172, Cessna, CH Yoke, DesktopAviator, Flaps, Panel, simulator, Trim wheel